Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, PI of LINs Lab at
Westlake University.
I am a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Westlake University,
leading LINs Lab.
Prior to that, I was a Ph.D. student at MLO,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), very fortunately under the
supervision of Prof. Martin Jaggi and
Prof. Babak Falsafi.
I received the Master of Science degree from EPFL and Bachelor of Engineering degree from Zhejiang University
My recent research interests lie in the intersection of optimization and generalization for deep learning:
- leveraging theoretical/empirical understanding (e.g., loss landscape, and training dynamics)
- to design efficient & robust methods (both learning and inference)
- for deep learning (centralized) and collaborative deep learning (distributed and/or decentralized),
- under imperfect environments (e.g., noisy, heterogeneous, and hardware-constrained).
I enjoy hiking, via ferrata, sport climbing, and skiing in the Swiss Alps.